Course Syllabus

U.S. History I Syllabus

Mrs. Duaime                                                                                                 Room C-19
Available:       7:30-7:50 am and
                        2:30-3:00 am (later by appt.)

Brief Course Description:

It is the goal of the US I History course at SCVTS, in accordance with New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, to provide students with the knowledge and skills to think analytically about how past and present interactions of people, cultures, and the environment shape the American heritage.

Through the study of US History, from Colonization to the early 20th Century, students will examine conflicting interpretations of events in history, explore theories and formulate their own opinions and beliefs based on the evidence they are given.  Through this effort, students will gain important critical thinking and decision-making skills.  These skills enable students to make informed decisions that reflect fundamental rights and core democratic values as productive citizens in local, national, and global communities.

Learning Goals and Assessments:

Over the course of the year, this class will focus on the following areas:

  1. Write in clear, concise, organized language that varies in content and form for different audiences and purposes.
  2. Read and research various materials and texts with comprehension and critical analysis.
  3. Develop an understanding of how people of various cultures have contributed to the development of our government and the common culture of the United States.
  4. Become familiar with the past and present American geography with respect to physical, political, social, and economic aspects.
  5. Utilize critical thinking to analyze issues and how they impact on our daily lives.

Course requirements:

Attendance and Participation – This class is a collaborative learning environment. Attendance and participation are critical to each student’s success. Because there are varied learning styles, the course has been designed with a wide variety of delivery and assessment methods to allow and encourage success for all students.

Because circumstances may arise that prevent attendance, students are expected to make up any work that they miss when they are not in class.  It is the student’s responsibility to see me to make arrangements for missed work.  The amount of time given to complete work will match the number of days a student is out of class. 

Grading- All assignments will be graded and recorded on PowerSchool.  Students will be assessed as per SCVTS grading policy in the following areas:

Class work/Homework – 20%                            
Quizzes/Projects – 30%
Tests – 50%


Because participation and collaboration is critical to the success of our class and each student, there will be a weekly participation quiz grade assigned. Each student will earn 20 points per day according to the following rubric:

Bringing and using Notebook:                                        10 points
Contributing to a Respectful Classroom Environment:     8  points
Being on Time for Class:                                               2 points
Total Participation Daily Points:                                   20 points x 5 = 100 pts per week

The quiz grade will be determined by the total points earned for the week.

This participation system is designed to encourage student success, while allowing personal choice and responsibility to dictate consequences. Please see Mrs. Duaime for individual questions or concerns regarding the Participation Policy.


The Interactive Notebook is a critical element to your success and your grade. Requirement will be discussed in detail in class, but the notebook will contribute minimally as follows:
50% of your weekly participation quiz grade.
Two Test Grades per marking period.

Additional assessments may be announced at the discretion of the teacher.
The notebook must be brought to class daily.

Seating – Seating is assigned; the teacher reserves the right to change seating at any time.
Preparation – All students are expected to come to class prepared with the proper materials each day.
Electronic Devices – Use of cell phones is not permitted at any time.  IPods, MP3’s etc. are only to be used when teacher grants permission. 

Class Rules

Classroom Rules:

1)     Respect ALL classmates and faculty, their possessions and school property.
2)     Be in class when the bell rings, prepared with notebooks and pencil or pen.
3)     Remain in seat from bell to bell, unless otherwise directed by teacher.
4)     Follow directions the first time they are given.
5)     Raise your hand and wait to be called on before speaking.

________________________________                _______________________________
Student Signature                      Date                 Parent Signature                        Date